Challenge Groups

What are Challenge Groups all about?


Accountibility is key.


Our Challenge Groups enable you to have a start and end date of working one-on-one with an LBF coach, but you will be in touch with other women who have the same time frame and goals as you do.  In just six weeks you will learn organization, you’ll have a custom plan and defined, tangible to-dos to get your life on the best track ever. Topics include fitness, nutrition and wellness, but for YOU.

One size does not fit all, but accountibility, community and the buddy system are proven success tools. You’ll get the benefit of a custom plan and individual coaching coupled with meeting other like-minded women. Just six weeks in length, this is the most successful way to kick start your new lifestyle and healthiest version of YOU.

“You have a 65% chance of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you've committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%.”

— American Society of Training and Development